Prof. Cay Dollerup is editor-in-chief of the international
journal---Perspectives:Studies in Translatology, and the director of the
Centre for Translation Studies, Copenhagen
University, Denmark.
Lecture Outlinea
1a. European translation theory and the
Indo-European languages
This part of the lecture discusses the European
linguistic background of present translation
studies, in order to shed light on the attention
which is shown to a number of key concepts
such as fidelity, and units of translation in
European translation studies.
1b. Western theories of translation
The lecture discusses the development of
translation in a Western context from
Antiquity in order to give the background
for most of the isolated thinking on translation
that we meet with before 1960 and which
is sometimes called ‘translation theory’. Concentrating mainly on the last 40 years
it discusses various factors, including
geopolitical ones which have affected
translation and prompted a number of
theories such as equivalence, Skopos-theory,
Descriptive Translation Studies and
others. It will discuss some of the new
approaches in translation research.
The tale about how the German brothers
Grimm and the Dane Hans Christian
Andersen created the international
2-part lecture:
The Danish translations of the ‘Tales’
of the brothers Grimm from Germany
The lecture discusses the Danish translations
of the Tales of the brothers Grimm in Danish
literary history until 1986. The German tales
were translated into Danish first of all foreign
languages (in 1816) and have since then
never been out of print in Denmark. The
lecture covers the ‘independent life’ of
translations, the establishment of a
translational tradition, and the creation
of outlets for childrens’ books.
How Hans Christian Andersen became
famous: Translation as a creative force
in literature
The lecture discusses the interplay between
the Tales of the brothers Grimm and
the Fairytales of Hans Andersen. It discusses
how the German tales inspired Danes
to collect folkloristic material, including
tales, and later how they prompted Hans
Andersen to start writing fairytales. It
was however, when the German and the
Danish tales merged (or were confused)
that the international European bourgeois
fairytale came into its own as a genre.
Translation teaching: ideology, progress
and constraints
The lecture discusses some important
parameters that are necessary for the
emergence of the teaching of translation
as an activity distinct from foreign language
teaching. These are, for instance, the
establishment of translation as a
profession, the improvement in terms of
self-awareness and of mastery of the
foreign language with the teacher. The
lecture also discusses the types of
translation textbook material involved
and teacher willingness to discuss
alternative solutions.
The globalisation of translation
Translation has always been international, but this lecture addresses mostly the remarkable changes that have occurred in the fields of practical translation, theoretical Translation Studies, and the interplay between theory and practice with special emphasis on the seachanges since 1990. Beginning with a brief historical view, the main emphasis is on the modern period. The first major changes in the field are traced back to the beginning of the 20th century, and the lecture describes the new modes of transfer, their specific constraints and geographical placements. It then turns towards developments that have become particularly visible or even only introduced within the last decade, such as large-scale useful translation memories, Internet translation, and the introduction of computers at all levels of language work at the European Union institutions. These factors call for new models for the description of translation and the acceptance that target-language texts are not always subordinate to the source-language texts, the ‘originals’.
An informal discussion of life in Denmark
For this I take along a video produced by the Danish Foreign Ministry, and then come up with additional information.